

Don't Burn Bridges

Strange as I have lived my life by the exact opposite philosophy that I am now sitting here telling the world to not burn bridges. Again as I learn things about myself I like to share. So when I came across this quote from an acquaintance of mine I was moved.

He said "Don't burn bridges because you never know when you will need that person."
Though I know my associate was speaking mostly in terms of business, I feel this idiom truly falls into many aspects of our lives. Isn't it annoyingly true that when we most need something, it's through someone we no longer speak to?

I was moved so much by this that I started to reflect on things I could possibly be doing now had I just stayed in touch with so and so. This is a serious issue for me. I like to keep a set of matches handy because I LOVE burning bridges. As a matter of fact, I start throwing gasoline on the bridge at the first sign of trouble. Everything always has an expiration date, so rather then wait for that moment I figure severing the connection would make it much easier. For me of course.

To be honest, it's my low tolerance for ignorance, stupidity, and mistakes. In my sick little head I believe people can do no wrong. That we are all perfectly capable of doing what's moral and most ethical. And that anyone I encounter will do just that. I grew up with this fairytale ingrained in my head and now at 25, I still can't seem to comprehend that this ideal is not real.

It's no wonder why I'm constantly disappointed. I cut these connections out of fear of being infected by the same imperfections. Being a disappointment to someone else. A fear that my presence in their life is insignificant or unappreciated. Just a few theories, but I can never really tell for sure. All I know is that once I turn my back on these people, I never look back.

Sigh. I've heard this very phrase said in many ways to me and never really listened. But today I think I'll listen. So after one more social network purging (old habits...what can I say) I shall learn how to finally keep ties.

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