

Confidence Busters, Part 1


Weakness is deemed the most unhonorable thing amongst society. Fortunately we can link our weakness with laser beam accuracy to the areas in our lives in which we lack confidence. Those areas hold clues as to how we can better address our weakness and arise a much stronger individual. Inspired by an article I read a while back that helped to reshape my mental impetus, I share here a few confidence busters that we experience and how we can tackle them.
  1. I feel clueless. Get answers. When you don't have the acts, take initiative to do some research. You will find what you are looking for through books, mentors, and even through hands on experience.
  2. I am scared. The only way to conquer fear is by facing them. Fear is just false expectations appearing real. Until we actually go out there and do something, we have no idea what the outcome will be. 
  3. No one believes I can do it. As my lief coach once said to me opinions are like assholes, and everyone has one. Lose the non believers and build a fan base. When in a rough patch, ask your supporters for encouragement
  4. This is just too big to take on right now. Break the tack down into smaller piece and start taking action today. If you want more money then pick up a finance book. If you're not happy at your job, than take a free online career test to find a perfect job for you.
 Stay tuned for part II


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