

Money Can Buy You...

Yes it is true that money cannot buy you certain intangible things. Items like happiness are found through our life experiences. Happiness comes from the company we keep and the sense of joy felt when we have made a great accomplishment and lived our lives exactly in the way we planned it. Money cannot buy us love. Yes it is very true that romantic feelings are the result of our interaction with a desirable individual. Love, happiness, peace of mind and spirituality is something we can never put a dollar amount on. Or can we?

You see although money cannot buy these things, money gives us the ability to have things. When we talk about our desire to have money what we are truly asking for are the things that money can bring us. Like it or not we live in a western world society where we are within access of shelter, technology, education, clean clothes, food and water. All of which comes with a price tag. Only primitive societies (such as the aboriginal ones we seen on National Geographic) are able to function without these things. We choose to live in this fast paced technologically advanced society therefore in order to remain afloat we must be able to attain the key to our survival: money. How can one truly be happy when the stress of bills is always wavering above our heads? How can one be in a happy relationship when there is constant arguments about money?

There is no choice between money, love, and happiness in this society. We need it all or we end up unbalanced. Without one we end up with feelings of incompletion. Money may not buy emotions, but it does give us the ability to get closer to the things we need to live in this society. So the next time you fix your lips to say the oh so famed expression, remember where you live. Proclaiming the absence of money in turn for happiness will ultimately leave us both broke and unhappy.


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