

Celebrating Failure

So as many of you know, my life has been filled with upsets. Perhaps I would have been happier if the love of my life had decided to stay with me or if I had completed grad school and secured a job. But all things happen with reason. My failures have truly served their purpose in allowing me to reevaluate my life and question that which I valued so vehemently. Failure was my opportunity to triumph. Faced with the reality that I was not perfect, I became vulnerable and sought refuge in a higher power. It is there that I learned the true meaning of Divine intervention. Failure had humbled me. It whipped me into shape, wiped my slate clean, and cleared my dirty windows. I now am able  to see my true path. Now as I climb back up the ladder of success I have such a great appreciation for the things I once lost and the things that I have. Life is so much more meaningful.

Listen when I tell you this, I know many of us go through trial and tribulations. The economy is rough and we all are struggling a bit to stay afloat while trying to feign normality. But this too shall pass. Struggle is temporary. Even when we have given up on possibilities it is imperative that we try try try again. Our reward is soon to come. In our moments of weakness we must celebrate the end of something great and the beginning of something wonderful. Nothing teaches us better than falling.


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