

Are You Going to Get Up?

Shawshank Redemption is by far one of my most favorite movie with a plethora of quotable. I could watch over and over again the story of a man with every reason to lose hope rising like a Phoenix from the ashes. It truly allows my mind to think about the things that lie ahead on my path to happiness. We all know that happiness comes with a hefty price. It is no secret that life will knock you down hard. Tragedy, heartbreak, and excruciating pain are all part of this "process" that we must go through to become the person we so desperately want to be. I for one can say it scares the hell out of me knowing that I will once again be asked to prove myself worthy of life's riches. And once in the process the constant suffering is enough to make a person wonder "why me"?

In those rough times hope is lost. At many point in our lives we will lose hope. We will lose hope in the ones close to us when they disappoint us in a most inconvenient way. We will lose hope in society when we constantly feed ourselves with news of poverty, crime and corruption. We will lose hope in ourselves for our inability to perform the extraordinary in a timely fashion. We will even lose hope in the higher being, feeling like God may have turned His back on us. And to tell you the truth, it's perfectly fine, after all we are human. But if Shashank Redemption has taught me anything it's that hope never gives up on us.

Hope is not something one can teach another individual, and it certainly cannot be forced upon anyone. To demand a person without hope to "just believe" is like asking a pig to bathe itself. Hope is something we learn when we finally see the silver lining through the darkness that suddenly disappears. When we see that inklings of a miracle we start to believe that something magnificent could come to us even when our reality is still shrouded in darkness. The best way to find hope to accept our reality for what it is then make a choice to get busy living or wait around to die. Choose to live.


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