

Cupid Reigns!

Jadore! Besides Christmas Valentine's day has to be one of my absolute favorite days of the year. To dedicate a whole day to love in all shape forms and fashion is truly exemplary of the ability for mankind to show compassion to it's fellowship. While most people focus on the more romanticized, Shakespearean like ways of celebration, I tend to reflect on love and what it means to me. Love is my best friend. Love is the one emotion that compares to no other feeling. Love ignites euphoria which makes us happy, which make us appreciative enough to give back to other people. If we are to continue living in this universe with each other it only make sense that we love each other; flaws and all or drown forever in sorrow misery and solitude (what a drab!)

I'd like to sound uber intelligent and write words of great inspiration but they simply escape me at this moment. It all comes down to this, if you should wake up this morning without a person in this world to love, let it be known that I love you. And somewhere out there is some mysterious person you haven't met yet whose waiting to love you. If you do have someone to love, I encourage you to show your affection to nauseating extents. If you have a lover make love to them until you grow weary with exhaustion. We may not be overwhelmed with love every moment of our lives, but for the few seconds it wants graces us with its presence I say let it in!

  1. With a Card
  2. With a Call
  3. By Sending a Random Email
  4. With a Meal
  5. With a flower
  6. With a unique date
  7. By hold hands
  8. With a compliment
  9. Through support
  10. With a great dessert
  11. With a hug
  12. With a kiss
  13. With a song
  14. By simply saying those infamous three words..."I Love You"
Don't wait another moment for love to come knocking at you door. Know that love already exists within you. We are all destined to receive love, for that you can be sure of. Thank goodness cupid sits around waiting to give us a little push along the way. I hope you have a wonderful day!


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