

When Stalkers Just Won't Quit

I've listened to many interesting stories about how men court women. But nothing as interesting as story of a reader who gave in and dated her stalker. She met him four years ago at a party and he hasn't disapeared since. Even though he was in an existing relationship his infatuation for her resulted in him showing up at her jobs, finding out where she lives, and sending multiple gifts to profess his undying love.

Maybe there is some lesson to be learned about someone who ceases to desist. In general the stalker learned that four years of obsessive persitance will eventually get you the girl. But from an outside perspective, the true lesson is revealed when the desired conquest is unable to bluntly tell the fellow to get a life and back off. Every man or women will encounter a stalker or two. It may be cute at first but eventually it will get on your nerves. In these delicate situations we are forced to make two decisions: Do I want to be with person? and How do I get rid of this person without winding up missing?

To be honest there is no simple answer to these questions. Stalkers operate in mysterious ways, and one will never fully comprehend the mind of the hopeless romantic. When coming to a conclusion, we should really evaluate our lives and determine whether a person like this would add value to us or make us completely miserable. In the case of the reader, her stalker drove her mad. Therefore in situations where stalkers just won't quit, take note of a few things that you may be doing to attract them.

Three Things You're Doing to Attract Stalkers
  1. You're too nice. Yes we must do unto others however if your kindness is only exacerbating the problem, it's high time you turn on your mean mug and be down right cruel
  2. You're giving your stalker information. If you allow this person into your home, and reveal your even a remote portion of your daily routine do not be surprised if that person "pops up"
  3. You're giving your stalker hope. One can usually determine within the first 10 minutes of conversation whether the person they are talking to is friend, potential mate, or nothing at all. If you've determined the latter, there is no need for niceties. You are under no obligation to provide this person with the possibility that they will be in your future. Do the stalker a favor and just tell them truth.
If push comes to shove than you may have to get the law involved (hopefully it never reaches that level).


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