

Throw Up Your Guards

To all my die hard Lauryn Hill fans I'm sure you remember the song Doo Wop. I remember being a little girl and my sister and I dancing to the song like a declaration of true independence. This song was the epitome of  "watch out". It rang truths in the eyes of society. Sadly, I find myself still playing this song in my head every time I hear a story of heart ache or encounter another bump on the road to happily ever after.

Today my message is quite simple. Watch out! My mentor always tells me that as human beings we are wired for companionship. However, if you have played the game of love you know very well it is a huge gamble. In love, we must put much more on the line than we would like to in order to receive the love that we want. Unfortunately, when we place our bets it is not guaranteed that we'll make good on our gamble. In most cases we come out empty handed, completely drained and discouraged.

Why? It's because we are not taking caution to properly place the bets that we are making. The reality is that most men look at women as a sexual conquests and most women want a man to cater to their superficial need. I am well aware that there are the select few out there who completely deviate from this philosophy.  It is those irregular men who provide a great facade for the men who don't care to conquer gullible woman. Same goes for the few self sufficient women out there who leave men with the hope that all women are not out there looking for money. But in our lifetime we will encounter a number of possible mates who simply do not have our best interests at heart. They want to use us and leave us as quickly as they entered our lives. But should we be surprised at their actions if we are the very people who allowed these impostors to enter our lives in the first place?

This post is mostly coming from a place of discouragement. To me it is incomprehensible why some continue to perpetuate the act of selfishness and hurt in matters of the heart. But with every fired up story I hear and experience I am reminded that keeping your guard up is not an option but a must when approaching a relationship. No matter what our desire is, individualism is our ability to set ourselves apart and see to the safe guard of our most prized possession. So ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to watch out because some girls and guys are only about that thing. To them, you are an object to to provide them with a moment of pleasure and easily disposable.


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