

Stop Pressing Delete

First of all I want to thank all my readers! I really started this project to help promote my business but it turned into a wonderful outlet for me to vent and inspire at the same time. I know a number of you are reading but have not subscribed yet so feel free to click on those lovely links to the right :)

Onward to the topic at hand. My rule of thumb has always been if it doesn't work get rid of it. This rule applied to absolutely everything in my life from friendships, to relationships, jobs, and appliances. The problem is this obsession to delete essentially comes from an inability to have patience or even bother to give anything a chance. Some people like me reluctantly work on the three strike rule. However life ultimately does not work that way. You see, sometimes it may take that 4th try to actually make something work but since we've already quit and trashed the project we never get the opportunity to find that out.

This message is simple. Pressing delete when things go wrong may seem a bit gratifying at first but in reality it is only disappointing because we then are left with nothing else to do but to start from scratch. We must realize that anything that is worth keeping in our lives is going to be a struggle to manage. Yes it may get on your nerves, and yes it may make you ragingly mad but I've personally seen that things which evoke such emotions within us have a way of impacting us the most. Don't believe me? Ask your parents! I'm sure they'll say you were no perfection growing up.

Next time you plan on erasing something out of your life, ask yourself (in a state of calmness and clarity of course) if that something is really worth eliminating. Sometimes the erasing can be more painful than having to endure it.


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