

Looking In The Mirror

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I made the decision to take a Facebook hiatus. Instead of the doing the usual "avoid it at all cost" I simply deactivated my account so I was less likely to be tempted into signing on. I realised in doing so that very few people would question my disappearance. Of the 300+ friends I have on Facebook, I can name about 5 who would have a slight curiosity about my disappearance. And of those 5 only 3 would genuinely be alarmed. It is so very rare that we encounter people who have a genuine interest in us. And those people fall into three categories.: Pets, Blankets, & Mirrors.

The pets are those people you admire. Pets admire you back. Pets are the people with who we usually call on when we want to have fun. We share few things in common with this person and yet we are drawn to them because they possess something we adore. They possess something we would like in ourselves. What links us to our pets are things we are passionate about. Maybe it's a desire to party, or a desire to gossip, or a desire to fight for a good cause. Whatever the commonality, it is why we and our pets favor each other so. But once that link is gone, so are our pets. Somewhere along the way we fell in love with our pets. We thought that they were going to be in our lives forever. But alas, they always leave. Because they had the ability to bring so much joy and vitality to our lives, they will never be forgotten. These are the people we once called friend when we knew damn well they were just acquaintances. We knew we couldn't completely open to ourselves them, and yet we still tried unsuccessfully.

Blankets are those who provide us with a brief moment of warmth & security.Blankets are the people in our lives who we like but very rarely see. They're the people we use to get what we want. They're the people who we feel comfortable enough to ask a favor of. But how often do we use our blankets? Literally on average day , a person will only use a blanket once... maybe twice. But once you've gotten all your sleep or regained your warmth, the blanket is tossed to the side. The blankets are the people we don't really appreciate, and don't appreciate us.

Then there are the mirrors. The people who tell it like it is. The one's who reveal our true selves to us. These are the people who know you inside and out. The people who know your greatest fears and your most desires dreams. They can read you like a book. These people are your confidants. Unlike your pet's they stick around much longer. They hunt you down when you're missing, they yell at you, and tell you when you're wrong. They are the people who shoulder our burdens, who struggle with us. Heck, if we were to go to jail, they'd be right there in shackles with us. Your mirror is always there to show you who you really are. They are the most valuable things in our lives because they care deeply about us. Far beyond just the beneficial things. They give to us as much as they take from us, therefore we are never left feeling empty, abandoned, or used.

I must be really blessed because I've had three mirrors. I've always wondered what these people saw in me. They have seen my imperfections and knew I was flawed. Yet instead of disappearing, they stuck around. So as I gazed at my facebook newfeeed filled with pets and blankets I felt it was neccesary to detach myself from that world so I can take a good look in the mirror. Who are your mirrors?

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