

Breaking Into Society

I had taken a long much needed sabbatical from life to allow myself the opportunity to evaluate what was important and what needed to be changed. Feeling secure, able, and confident at my accomplishments I decided it was high time to make a name for myself again with society. I dedicated a whole week to spending time with friends, and family only to find out that my hiatus had caused a negative side effect on my social skills. At one point in time I was revered for being able to articulate with precision my life dreams, my goals, and general perspective on most any topic. But this week I flip flapped my way through many sentences trying to understand why oh why I can't find the words to say? How on earth can I claim to be a blogger and author if simple subjects placed with adjectives in combination with verbs escape me?

I was reminded again that I am so lucky to surround myself with people who can tolerate my blunders and find humor in my quirky timid ways. I for one learned that basic social interactions are nothing short of a mathematical equation. It starts with the confidence (you know the booming voice in your head who believes you are all that and a bag of Doritos) to go about your business in a way that is similar to singing in the shower (my favorite activity by the way). Supplement that with charisma, multiply it by eloquent mannerism, divide it by perfect timing than add a smile to the third power and you have the perfect formula for impressing the heck out of your friends, family, or possible future mate.

The problems comes with having to bounce back from an already awkward encounter. The answer is simple, in a next encounter simply pretend like you are the definition of perfection. Every word you say are the words that other person has been waiting all day to hear. The awkward pause after you speak? That's just them being taken aback by the mounds of intelligence you have layed upon them. Those weird glances? That's them wondering why they never thought of that before. And when they ask you "Are you crazy?" you simply laugh like an evil villain out to rule the world. Eventually they too will jump in for the laugh (or think you're crazy as hell) where you will promptly be deemed entertaining, enchanting, a thrill to be around for showing how absolutely overzealous you can be. Nerves will get the best of us from time to time, but at least we get second chances to make the first impression peril in comparison to the present one. Just like a play, life is not a rehearsal and the show must go on!


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