

Your Lesson Has Not Been Learned

This is my disclaimer: to the folks who are not creative types or entrepreneurs, this post may not apply to you. Now that that is out of the way, I can go about my rant in peace. One of the hardest this that I have a problem accepting in my new industry is the inability of people to be empathetic. Lately I have surrounded myself with individuals who, like me, are hustling their way to the top. I've heard so many stories of being rejected, working for free, and having their work negatively criticized. Their best advice to me is "to have tough skin". Associates aside, I'm very familiar with the story of a successful person who was treated like dirt all the way up the ladder only to repeat the cycle to the next individual who aspires to be as successful as them. My question is: How is this admirable?

In my humble opinion, these people have not learned their lesson. In an earlier blog post I describe one of our life purposes as giving back to mankind. Unfortunately people assume donating money to a charity, or hosting a fundraising as the only means of giving back to society. Giving back to society should also come in the form of our actions. It is our actions that most profoundly impacts the way other human being treat each other. Therefore, if we chose to continue to perpetuate the "do what has been done to me" mentality we ultimately end up doing a disservice to ourselves.

I am most reminded of the comparison between Tyra Banks and Kelly Cutrone. Kelly Cutrone is a very successful fashion icon who founded a much sought after PR agency. Most of us recognize her from The Hills, and Kell on Earth. Now if you've never heard of her, think Meryl Streep in Devil Wear Prada. The woman is vicious. Why? Because her success was followed by years of people who have spit in her face and attempted kill her dreams of a glamorous fast moving career in fashion upon her initial arrival in NY. Not to say she doesn't have a heart, but the woman makes every individual who crosses her path sacrifice a limb to prove themselves worthy in her eyes. Again her lesson was not learned. Tyra Banks on the other hand, took those dark moments and translated them into opportunity for individuals who sought them out (aka Top model) which is why she has made such a name for herself. Now although both methods have generally provided fortune, one is positively impacting society while the other is creating vengeful animals. How often do you hear some curse Tyra for giving them a chance?

It is not our job to inflict struggle onto others. It is our duty to provide them a helping hand. We should not be using our bitter past as weapons of discipline to the very people who admire us. We should be using our stories to inspire them to do better. As creative minds our heightened sensitivities has blessed us with the ability to create beautiful things, not ugly attitudes.


1 comment:


Very very very fxxkin true its as real as day light this really happens I remember going job hunting with a friend we went to the busiest part of London oxford street and she handed her C, V to a sales assistant the female just looked at her and sad with an negative attitude we don’t have jobs here and walked off how rude anyway the first thing I thought was didnt that same rude sales assistant go through the same thing to get a job we all have to start some where you know....

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