

Making Asinine Decisions

I've kick myself a million times for many of the decisions I've made (especially as of late because they've heavily affected my business). At the time it seemed to be the best choice. I weight the pro and cons then came to a quick solution. I felt great about my decision for about 24 hours when everything looked brighter and possibilities seemed endless. After that I was haunted by those dreadful doubts.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. There are days where I wish I could sit back and let someone else take over. So they would be responsible to decide whether I should wear sneakers or heals. So that they can decide if I should pay my bills or go shopping. So that they can decide whether I should chase after love or enjoy being single. So they would ultimately be responsible for anything that may go wrong. But alas, those decisions are left up to us. I was asked “what is the best decision to make when life reaches an obstacle?” But I believe the better question here is what defines the best decision? Is there truly a right or wrong when we attempt to tackle our life choices? I believe the issue with our decision making is the fact that we are so consumed with whether the decision we made was right or wrong that the issue at hand becomes completely masked.

Indecisiveness can be most insidious. (Side bar: I'd like to thank Hollywood for teaching me a new word.) In most cases we struggle to accept the choices we made. We tend to focus on how our actions are interpreted by others, or how this decision will affect us in the long run or if we are hurting someone else's life with the choice we make. At the end of the day, most of us decide to do something that we will regret. In other words, we most definitely will decide to do the wrong thing.

Here's the reprieve: We will mess up at least 10x before we get it right. But we eventually get it right. As cliché as this may sound our imperfections only allow room for growth, respect and living an overall better life. No matter what we decide to do we should keep in mind that making a decision is better than making none. Any decision made emerged from a realization that something in our life needed to change, therefore we acted on it as opposed to letting it fester inside us. Be proud you made a decision at all. In most cases we can take steps toward repairing any damage our choices may have made. So rather than regret and question your decision, understand you hold the power to make another decision.

So to sum it up, acknowledge, accept, and live with the decisions you make. No one said the road to happiness would be easy, but trust me when I say there is always light throughout the journey.


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