

Diary of a Hungry Man

{pic via} Today's topic came from an acquaintance of mine (bless his heart) who so audaciously stated that "chivalry dies with every woman who does not know how to cook." This declaration had many responses no doubt which comes as no surprise being that chivalry has become such a hot button topic in the modern age. I've been increasingly perplexed as to the root of chivalry's disappearance. I'm sure I'm not the only woman out there who gets slightly aggravated when a man walks to the door and only opens it for himself or for the instances when a man doesn't offer his seat to a woman standing directly next to him. It certainly has not gone unnoticed that the modern day man has virtually ceased all acts of gentlemen like behavior towards women.

Last time I checked we still live in a society. One that acknowledges the existence of two sexes,one male one female, and maintains a certain level of civil etiquette. As part of that societal behavior chivalry has been defined as the expression of respect through acts of kindness dated all the way back to the Middle Ages. To this day, it's incomprehensible why a growing number of men don't show these simple gestures of gratitude, especially towards women. Responsibility can partly lie on the very men who have no knowledge of what chivalry is, and part of the blame lies on the guardians who raise these young men without properly educating them on how to treat a lady. It's no wonder statement like the one above are commonly made.

Most individuals are quick to blame it on the rapid evolutionary role of women in society. Studies have made claims that with the introduction of women into traditionally male roles certain behaviors were altered to acknowledge the new found equality. While the sound of women revolution is shear poetry, it's also hard to swallow the repercussions of this great accomplishment. Now a days chivalry is reserved strictly for romantic pursuit/relations. For the most part chivalry is frowned upon by men  to avoid accusations of benevolent sexism leaving women practically unrecognized and under appreciated on a daily basis.

I personally believe that women have their own version of chivalry. There are many ways to show gratitude to a man and cooking is only one of the many things on that list. It's a given that most modern day women are not chefs because the mass majority opt to pursue their dreams over learning how to throw down in the kitchen. However, when a woman wants to make her man happy she will find a way to  feed him. The focal point needs to be zeroed in not on her lack of cooking skills but her ability to put a meal on the table. There are no promises the meal will be delicious (after all cooking is an incredible skill and a take out menu can be a non-cook's best friend) however they should get credit for putting effort into making something with a genuine desire to impress him.

It's bad enough women do not get enough respect as it is but to punish her for not being able to cook seems down right vindictive and spiteful. Chivalry should not have to be a bargaining chip for pleasure. It really should be something that comes second nature to every man who is breathing on this earth whether a woman is giving him something or not. Although I empathise with for the plight of the hungry man, it seems the most logical thing to do would be to teach the woman how to cook or find yourself another one.


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