

When I Grow Up

When I was young I couldn’t wait to be an adult. I imagined it to be an end to all things I hated about youth. No more awkwardness, no more insecurity, no more trying to find a crowd to fit into. No more asking permission to go anywhere and most definitely no more judgment for my every move. Adulthood was supposed to be this glorious moment of freedom, confidence and total control over life.  In reality adulthood has turned into the next version of our youth. Think about it: professional societies, and private clubs have replaced the in crowd and mindless chatter at the water cooler have replaced the conversations by the high school lockers. Every day we require permission from the little man at the cross walk to walk , the green light to continue to driving, or the check from work to pay our bills, eat and virtually live. Our friends, bosses and perfect strangers take extreme notice to our every move so they can encourage our success or chide our mistakes. Depressing huh?

The more things seem to change, the more some things just stay the same. How can a person not be frustrated to have climbed so many mountains only to face more climbing at the end of the day? Don’t fret. Survival at this level of life is going to require the same amount of skill we used back in our youth. Fortunate for us we have one thing we didn’t have back then and that is wisdom. I’m not talking about the wisdom that is deceiving depicted with a pair of coke bottle frames and really long grey hair. I’m talking about the knowledge we’ve gained from the number of embarrassing mistakes and equal triumphs made thus far.

To quote Berthold Auerbach,  years teach us more than books. So for years we’ve learned how hustle for money to replenish our overdrawn bank accounts. We’ve learned how to charm and manipulate people into doing out bidding without them having the slightest clue. For years we’ve learned how to hide our imperfections so the world only gets a glimpse of the glorious side. Can you believe we’ve even learned how to conquer some of our greatest fears? Guess adulthood ain’t all that bad after all. Unlike the youthful versions of ourselves most of us have become humbled, emotionally strong and gained such an immaculately passionate drive to achieve the best we barely notice the things that sometimes stand in our way.

When we were young we always prayed of better things not really understanding what it was we so desperately longed for. As we grew our trials and tribulation followed us growing in size as well. The silly little problems with the bully in our class seem to pale in comparison to the Machiavellian boss man constantly giving us grief. Although adulthood may not have been everything we’ve imagined it to be, we survive it because we’re putting forth efforts to be the most authentic versions of ourselves therefore living the best possible life. When there’s no more pretending, fear, or indecisiveness we make room for the greatness in us to shine. Being a grown-up has given us the ultimate power to control things we never could before. Sure once in a while we need to report to some mystical entity, but we certainly don’t need anyone’s permission at this stage in life to do whatever ever the hell makes us happy. When all fails, embrace your adulthood by channeling your inner brilliance and you’ll be sure to succeed.


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