

Keeping Your New Year's Resolution

I feel as if I just blinked and the year was already half done. Looking at the calender in amazement as time has not only hurdled past me but left my lengthy resolution list with it. With only six month left until the year's end it's no wonder very few people resolve to abstain from making a new year's resolution to begin with. Though life may at times seem a mundane slow moving turtle, it's hard not to be beside yourself with bewilderment when finally realizing time flies at a more rapid pace than we imagined. Rewinding back to January most of us stood outside in the freezing cold weather with great anticipation as 2010 slowly wound down and 2011 sprung up with such fever and hope. In those moments, a sigh a relief swept over us as we promised ourselves to start a bigger, better, and bright future sealed with kisses hugs and champagne.

So now while I sit here as June wastes away I wonder why the future I had envisioned for myself is not as big nor as bright as imagined. I wonder what I can do to salvage the remainder of the year and reclaim those promises of change. Although I would like to berate myself for having done nothing the truth is I have made some head way since last year. Therefore a pat on the back is well deserved as I was able to accomplish a number of things I had set out to do. However to maintain that progress, it's going to take much more discipline and focus to remain on the path of success. There are still 6 months left to get our lives together which mean 183 days, 4392 hours and 263,520 minutes strategize and execute our goals.

So to get it done start by asking:
  1. "What have I done so far?" Figure out what you have done so you can determine what needs to be done. Understand that if you have been doing things and not seeing any results in your life it's because you need to start changing your methods. If nothing changes then nothing changes.
  2. "What is it that I want?" I personally want the world, but for obvious reason that is unrealistic. So get specific about what it is you really want. For example: if you're looking for a new job, what industry? what position? what location? and by what time are you planning to accomplish this? From experience I've learned that being precise will yield better results.
  3. "What am I going to give?" You don't get anything from life without first giving up sometime. I'm not simply talking about volunteering at a local charity or giving up money. The most valuable thing we can give up is our time. Dedicating just a few hours towards exercising more, or reading more, or networking can make a significant impact towards achieving goals.
And then do the following:
  • Be aware of the things that have been holding you back from attaining your goals. Accept it, and make a conscious effort not to repeat it.
  • Prepare. Plan out what each day, week and month will look like so each accomplishment can be checked off
  • Prioritize. I often times get side tracked due to multitasking instead of taking care of items on the list one at a time. Start with the most important task and carry on from there
  • Commit. Do not lose yourself in the obstacles of life. Everyday of living presents a new set of problems. It's understandable how these things can be distracting but do not allow these things to break your stride. Commit to your goals!
  • Execute. That's right... do it! It's really that simple.
You can read my original resolution post "Dreams on a Dealine" here.

I never like to take a journey alone, I hope this reminder will help to spark a flame on your route to success in 2011. And when you make it tell me about it!


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