It's been so hard lately to share my perspective on this subject. Mostly because I'm stubborn and refuse to adopt anyone else's philosophy on the topic. But secondly because it is truly unsettling to constantly change the idea of love simply because some love-craved person wants to feed you their psyobabble to make themselves feel justified in their romantic decisions. (Again I don't mean to offend, just ranting)
One night over glasses of wine with some lady friends, the topic of men came up (obviously not a surprise). What I absolutely could not internalize was the fact that these women whole heatedly believed that one could fall in love practically at first sight. They truly believed that love had limits i.e. you could fall in love, you could fall out of love. Apparently one can have love for someone, yet not love them at all. One can know love within the first few weeks of meeting someone sans any trial or tribulations.
That very discussion reminded me of the song "I can't help Falling In Love" (Side note: absolutely love the Bob Marley version. It is the only version I can listen too.) I listened to the song and for a moment almost fell into a trans.
Maybe, when caught in the moment, love is the only word we can use to describe the overwhelming sense of euphoria. The moment it passes our lips and is received by all to hear, it almost as if life itself has changed.
I guess in essence love is anything an individual defines it to be. But if little time has passed, or when we find a relationship has reach it final point, how do we know whether we were ever in love, or just fools who rushed in?